Picnic - How Explosive Influencer Marketing Drove 1M+ Downloads In Under 4 Months

Picnic - How Explosive Influencer Marketing Drove 1M+ Downloads In Under 4 Months

Have you heard of the social app Picnic? If you haven’t, expect to see it shared by friends, family members, and colleagues in the future.

Picnic started as a small social app but was quickly catapulted to new heights through the use of comprehensive digital marketing efforts provided by the folks at Tiddle.io.

In past digital marketing projects, we’ve helped brands gain multiple Top 10 App Store placements and utilized thousands of brilliant and efficient creators for impact. We provide brands with a suite of tools to manage content creation, engage with influencers, and track performance.

We’ll make sure you maximize the impact of any social media marketing campaign you embark on.

Leveraging modern and innovative technology is the best way to build creative tools and solutions that work for our fast-paced world of marketing. We have a great amount of pride in how much of an impact we’ve had on marketing that works.

Read on to learn more about how our dedicated team can make a huge impact on success for you and your own project or business.

Picnic - Dive Into Communities

Social apps are one of the most competitive startup spaces, with new apps developing every single day. Combined with well-established competitors such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and others, it’s a huge world out there for tech innovators, content creators, and the digital influencers we all know and love.

Acquiring users on a new social app is a challenge in itself. However, one of the biggest struggles in the process is keeping all those users down the line. One wrong move can be deadly in the fast-paced world we all live in. On the other hand, creating a viral trend can create long-lasting success.

Building a self-sustaining social app requires a coordinated and explosive campaign. It isn’t something you can do by accident – not if you want sustained results. You need to dig into the details and pay attention to performance indicators to get the users or views you’re looking for.

There is a way to ensure success as a social media platform creator:

A viral, strategically coordinated, influencer campaign is exactly how we helped Picnic grow to over 1,200,000 users. Engagement data and views skyrocketed and gave this brand name recognition that will last. Curious how we managed it? Let’s dive in and give you the information you’re here for!


Picnic reached out when they had under 1,000 DAU (daily active users). At that time, the social media platform wasn’t even ranked on the App Store. This is a make or break it time for everyone involved with the app – and we knew we could give Picnic the growth they wanted and deserved. But first, we needed to dig in and learn more about the social app.

Before we start getting into details, you should be aware that Picnic is a community-based social app predicated on building spaces for individuals to discuss their interests. People visit to communicate with others who enjoy the same things they do.

So how were we able to give Picnic the solution to gaining users and creating longevity?

We knew the only way this could work is if we coordinated a viral marketing campaign that onboarded thousands of users in a short period. We had to show people how compelling the app is and why they need to download it and make it part of their daily lives.

It was the only way to move forward with the social media platform that would ensure massive success.

Why? Think about Reddit. This is another community-based platform and it happens to be one of the largest there has ever been. There are subreddits for every hobby, interest, and idea that you could possibly have.

But what if Reddit had 1,000 DAU? How would you help them grow and gain users to become the behemoth they are today? Where would you start?


Strategy comes after initial questioning. We took the questions we came up with and used them to strategize the right way to build an influencer campaign. The main goal was to build up the number of users within the app. And once those users were there – you had to make sure they stay there.

So how did we do that? The very first thing that needed to be created was a space where all members could quickly and easily interact with one another. If that was present, growth was certain to follow and we could call Picnic a success. It sounds easy, but it can take a lot of time and effort to get it right.

We decided to hyperfocus on one niche, a niche that had explosive potential and a plethora of influencers ready and willing to create viral campaigns.

To start, this niche was anime. After all, what interest could be larger and more far-reaching than that one? Everyone has an opinion about it and most people have watched it at least once or twice.

Anime is a broad, marketable niche, yet they have very individualized topics such as “Demon Slayer” and “Attack on Titan”. There are millions of fans of anime and all of them want to share their thoughts on the topic, as well as subtopics that they are passionate about.

The passion leads to conversations, debate, and fact-sharing. It brings people together and that’s what we needed to make sure Picnic was a true success.

So what do you think happened when we used our social media strategy to target anime lovers around the globe? Did it work or did we have to try another strategy to maximize the userbase at Picnic? Keep reading and you’ll find out.


In two words, it worked! By utilizing more than 200 individual influencers across a slew of anime topics, we were able to onboard an impressive 200,000+ anime-interested users. This was enough to show that our strategy was the right one and that we could move forward with a larger plan.

Having a foundation in anime was great. However, one singular community is never going to be enough to sustain an entire app. It would be missing out on everyone who isn’t into anime but is dedicated to another interest. Plus, even anime lovers have other hobbies they might want to talk about with others.

When you think about it, there are hundreds or even thousands of interests. And all of them can be tapped into to create growth for an app like Picnic.  

People want to talk to others – but they have to be aware of the right destinations to do that. Picnic was somewhere that would create community as long as the user base could be jump-started.

The diversity of their market presented a unique challenge as we had to run separate campaigns to grow each community. Over two months, using primarily influencer marketing, with new creatives each week, we were able to grow multiple communities to over 600k members. Picnic became a destination for enthusiasts on all sorts of topics.

A breakthrough occurred when we pioneered our microinfluencer program. We started to move away from large creators and partnered with hundreds of small creators instead.

Influencers and creators are the backbone of apps of all kinds, but especially ones like this. The social aspect of the app lives on conversation and creation.

In the course of a single day, we had 3,000 ads posted and onboarded 180k users for a relatively small investment. The peak DAU during this push was 170,000.

When you consider this number started as a minuscule sub-1,000 – you can see just how well our creative marketing strategy worked to make this app one that people visit time and time again.


You don’t have to take our word for it. We have the data to show just how much of an impact we had on Picnic by strategizing and following through. Check out the six results below to get an inkling of how important it is to market your own project the right way.

Picnic was able to capitalize on all of the following once we were done!

1.    #20 on the App Store

2.    1,2000,000+ new users

3.    100,000,000+ Impressions

4.    $0.12 CPM

5.    900% DAU increase

6.    30% retention increase

With all of this success, Picnic is on its way to doing great things and remaining active for years to come. Tiddle.io is happy to have been a part of the journey. After all, we pride ourselves on offering organic promotions that create exceptional results.

This is just one quick example of what you can expect when you contact us and we start a beneficial relationship.

Our unique approach to digital marketing is designed to take any brand to the next level. We utilize microinfluencers as part of your marketing strategies and focus on creating viral trends that get your name out there.

Whether you want to increase users, views, impressions, or other metrics, we’ll jump in the trenches with you and find the best way to make it happen.